The average house price on ASH TERRACE is £160,458
The most expensive house in the street is 8 ASH TERRACE with an estimated value of £201,815
The cheapest house in the street is 6 ASH TERRACE with an estimated value of £126,775
The house which was most recently sold was 6 ASH TERRACE, this sold on 21 Feb 2022 for £120,000
The postcode for ASH TERRACE is LS25 2HN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 ASH TERRACE Terraced £135,162 £110,000 30 Jan 2020
2 ASH TERRACE Terraced £199,461 £42,050 22 May 1998
3 ASH TERRACE Terraced £157,806 £125,000 9 Mar 2018
5 ASH TERRACE Terraced £141,730 £111,000 4 Sep 2017
6 ASH TERRACE Terraced £126,775 £120,000 21 Feb 2022
8 ASH TERRACE Terraced £201,815 £150,000 30 Jun 2016